Lots of stuff happening, probably the most exciting item on the agenda this month was The Sam went down to London and popped into the Asian supermarket.
With The Sam being vegan she loves her noodles and I’m quite a fan of noodles too. I switch between those sort of Asian noodles and I also like my Super Noodles. The only problem is Asda have reduced them to 50p a pack. Not good for the no carbs. I love Mountain Dew too but you just can’t get the proper Mountain Dew now. Every so often you will find it in the Asian supermarket, ya know, he hillbilly imported stuff which is probably technically illegal in the EU but what the hell man it tastes good! So The Sam rocks up back home and she has a can of Mountain Dew and sriracha mayonnaise which is so fucking delicious. A taste sensation you might say.

The diet has totally failed this year, work has been a killer and I have had no time to hit the gym. Eating a plate of chips smothered in Sarachi Mayo and grated cheese hasn’t helped too much. I did sprinkle it with diced red onion, but too little too late.

So I’m now trying this new diet. It is the Bacardi and Twiglet diet, now it’s not for everyone, it’s different, basically once I come home from work, I sit in the garden drink Bacardi & lime soda and eat nothing but Twiglets. Now I have to say I have been pretty successful so far at sticking to this diet but the only problem is I have not noticed any significant weight loss but it is summer time and it’s pretty much too late to lose any serious weight now without amputation.

I’ve been doing lots of DIY mostly the front bedroom. The Sam has been on my case. I mean, I could live in the loft room, I’m not really bothered but women don’t feel the same way about these sort of things. I don’t know about women in general, but at least The Sam is not too keen on that so I will be finishing off the front bedroom. I hate plastering the most of all DIY jobs. It is the one thing I have the most difficulty with it. Now one of the problems is with this one is it’s not just straight up plastering as I’m going from bare brick to the old plaster. I will try and make it look as neat as possible. In the meantime, I have ordered some nice ceramic handles and started repainting the furniture.

I have also built a new lightbox for photography. Check out this POST HERE for the full details.