The M41 US Tank Walker Bulldog model by Tamiya. This scale model tank is a departure for me. This will be the first piece of Vietnam era Armour that I’m turning my hand to. Quite a cheap little kit but should provide some nice painting and weathering practice.

As you can see there are not that many pieces so this should be quite a quick build.

I will be keeping the figures for later.

Nice and quickly the model starts to come together. The suspension and bogies are already cast so I just need to fit the wheels and idlers. Now that I have test fitted them I can remove them ready for painting.

Attaching the detailed parts to the hull of the M41 Walker Bulldog.

The turret has come together very nicely, all things considered, it is a pretty clean fitting kit. The detail is not amazing but remember, we are dealing with a kit form the 1970’s.

The M41 Scale Model Tank has been given an undercoat and then a lightened coat of olive drab. Next a coat of gloss varnish so I can apply the decals and start on the weathering.

Applied some of the rust effects to the hull of the tank, now I can take my time finishing off the tracks and wheels. As always a nice peaceful little Sunday afternoon job.

Now back to the hull and turret of the Tamiya M41 Walker Bulldog Tank Model. I have added some more rust colours and am trying to do some paint chipping using a brush rather than the hair spray technique. Only time will tell once the pigments and washes are done as to whether the chips look good or not.

Now that the painting is done it’s onto the weathering. For this one, I want to go for a really muddy and rusty look, or as I like to say “musty”! I’m going with an oil wash to begin with, some enamel rust and then weathering pigments.

I have made some “scale mud”. which is just like real mud but just smaller. With that applied to the body and tracks I just need to highlight it and apply some pigments.

So that is this project put to bed. I’m pretty happy with the end result. I think the weathering has gone very well. If you want to try your hand at this Tamiya 1/35th Scale U.S Army M41 Walker Bulldog Model Tank, you can pick one up by CLICKING HERE.