Quite an interesting model. So this is the French GCT 155mm auf1 SPH but the unique thing is that it’s not on the standard amx hull, instead it sits on top of a T-72 Hull. This variation appears to only appear at an arms fair where they were trying to sell this variation to the Indian army. Can’t find too many pictures, also there are no decal markings as it is only a display model.

You can see there are 2 sets of wheels, so I guess that the other set is for the AMX hull! Quite a nice set of pieces with some Photoetch and cables. With it being a hobby boss model I expect quite a nice build.

The hull and wheels are coming together quite nicely, there is a good bit of detail on the top of the hull. Just need to test fit the wheels and can get started on the turret.

There isn’t loads of photo etch for the GCT 155mm but a small sheet that contains some engine grilles and door handle. As you can see the grilles fit pretty nicely.

It seems most of the model building is taking place on the turret with lots of parts. Quite a cool looking turret with the huge autoload system and tons of details.

The turret is coming together, most of the gun assembly is completed and some of the bigger parts are being added.

I can’t tell you how much of a challenge it was to put together these smoke grenade launchers. Well, two sets are now done and I just need to do the launcher that sits on top of the turret.

Continuing on with fitting the main gun barrel and fitted the side doors to the turret. The next job will be some of the smaller detail parts.

Here are all the smaller detail pieces added and the photo-etch pieces as well as the hatches on top of the turret. So that is the turret now pretty much complete.

Now time for some undercoat and onto the painting. As the vehicle hasn’t seen combat I will only do some light weathering to bring out the details. I was going to leave the ammo storage doors open but my skill level in painting the shells to a good enough standard is not at the stage I am happy with.

Attaching the fuel lines to the rear of the tank and the spare petrol barrels. I thought it was going to be a lot harder to get this part done. Slipping in a conical file to each end of the vinyl tubing stretched it enough that I could ease each end over the plastic knobs.

Now varnish and a quick pin wash and I’m calling this one done.

So I have made a little video to show off the details on this Hobby Boss 135th Scale Models GCT 155mm AU-F1 Plastic Model Kit
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