So with the VW Beetle being really the brainchild of Adolf Hitler it only seems fitting to build one of these little nazi bugs with an Afrika Korp flavour. The kit we are dealing with today is the MPM productions Volkswagen Typ 87, of course, it is in 1/35th scale. So here we go.

A nice little kit out of the box. So straight off the bat. What I do like and what I don’t like! For one it is a rag top, not sure how I feel about that at the moment. One good thing is you will be able to see the details inside a bit better. Secondly the wheels. Oh my God they look like shit. I mean they really look pony. I don’t even know what to do. This is supposed to be a quick build but I don’t know if I can even use those wheels. Third thing, I love the casting of the leather seats, they look amazing. I can’t believe they did such a good job on them and such a poor job on the wheels!

So far the build is going very well. The kit fits together nicely. Now time to lay down some primer and get some paint on this scale model.

The primer has cured now masking off the inside of the car so that I can give it several coats of hairspray.

Here are the results of the hairspray chipping. After the coats of hairspray dried I gave the model a coat of Tamiya XF88. Once that dried I got to work with a toothbrush, a paintbrush and some water to bring away the top layers of paint.

A small bit of weathering and I’m calling this one done. All in all a very enjoyable build.