So To start off a month of model car building, here is the Tamiya 1/24th Scale Eunos Roadster Mazda MX-5. This is one of Tamiya cheapest car kits so looks like a great place to start and hone my skills.

It is a very simple kit with only a few parts. Most of the parts are precast on the base of the model, there is no engine to build but you do have the axles and suspension. Also, the interior parts, they aren’t very detailed, but we will see what we can do.

First Job is to clean the main body and attach the wing mirrors before giving it an undercoat.

So making a departure from my normal style of model making, with this project I am going to paint all of the parts before assembly, luckily there are not too many parts so shouldn’t be too difficult to keep everything in check.

Now that everything is trimmed and cleaned up I can give everything a coat of black primer ready for painting.

So that was it. A real big screw up. I lost the wing mirros but managed to recover the body. This is a learnng procees and I have learnt it is a lot hardeer tospray gloss than matt.

So that is it, stripped re-primed and ready to start again.

Painting the disc brakes, two types of silver.

For this model I have painted every part prior to assembly, which should make the next stages quite quick and easy.

So the underneath of the car has come together very nicely. Pre-painting the parts has left the underside looking really clean and tight, very happy with that.

I have kept the interior of the Mazda very simple, just a grey and black finish.

The second attempt at a gloss finish has gone so much better. Still not perfect but for my first model car a decent finish.

Below are more photos of the Tamiya 1/24th Scale Mazda MX5.