So I have picked up a few models based Flakvierling including the Flakvierling sd.kfz. 7 1 and the Möbelwagen. So I’m starting off with the basic model. Out the box, it looks to be quite a nice little build. There are a few flash lines but overall a nice casting.

The Model is going together very well as you would expect from a Tamiya build. There is a little bit flash that needs sanding but considering this was tooled back in the 1970’s just shows you how technically sound Tamiya has always been. You see models nowaday that are not as detailed or clean out of the moulds.

So I have decided to leave the gun barrels to last to aid with painting, so now I’m ready to fit the armour to the main body of the gun.

This has been a very relaxing little build, the parts come together nicely. Now I move on to painting. As I am building 3 of these in total for different builds I want each one to be unique. So for this build, I want to go with the winter camo.

After an undercoat and then a top coat of German grey I have given the parts 2 coats of hairspray and then a coat of heavily thinned x22 flat white, probably about 70% thinner and 30% paint.

So that is the finished chipped paint effect, I very happy with the look. I have gone for some variations in the amount of paint chipping across the model. Next job is a coat of varnish and then weathering.

Weathering and pigments are done, so I’m calling this project done. I’m going to be making a couple more of these for other projects. All in all a fun little build and I’m very happy with the finished model. Check out some pictures below.

Here is a small video of my completed Tamiya 135th 20mm Flakvierling 38 Mit Sd.Ah.52. Hope you enjoy!