This is my step by step build of the Tamiya Russian T62A Tank, I still have a lot in the old stash but I jumped straight into this build as I continue to build Model Tanks. To be honest I am very happy with the results.

Building the Tamiya Russian T62A Tank

Firstly, I do not like that pre-moulded shovel on the side of the tank. So I pulled out my trusty multi-tool and ground it off. With some filler and a little bit of sanding and I have a nice smooth finish to work with.

This model kit is quite a simple build, that said it is still a fun little kit so far. So the first part of the build has flown along. Next, I move onto the turret of the tank, thankfully everything fits beautifully.

This time I will be doing some had painting on the gun so I will not be gluing it to the turret at this stage. Once I have done a quick test fit on the barrel I move on to the final stage of the build.

Finally Getting Everything Ready For Painting
The build stage is nearing completion and actually, it has been an enjoyable experience. Finally, I have prepared the wheels, masked off the grills and got everything ready for painting.

Painting And Weathering The Tamiya 1/35th Russian T-62A Tank
Firstly I have given the whole model a coat of green paint. Next I have thinned out the paint with some more white and have gone over and highlighted some of the areas.

After a little bit of brush painting on some of the detailed parts, I am in fact quite happy with how the model looks before weathering.

So in the end I decided on some very light weathering and as the decals contained markings for a Tank on parade, I thought this would be perfect. In the end, I decided on just a brown pin wash to bring out all those little details, so this time I won’t be using any Pigments.

My Completed Tamiya Russian T62A Tank
Firstly I have to say that I am more than pleased with the result. As with most builds, I went into this without much of a plan on how it was to turn out, that being said I do enjoy letting the model tell its own story.

Finally, now this model is complete, what’s next? Well, I have been simultaneously been working on some other Tamiya kits so expect to see a lot more model tanks coming your way.