Next up on the workbench, I am continuing with scale model tanks or more specifically model self-propelled guns. This time I have the pleasure to be building The Tamiya Russian SU122 Tank Destroyer. An AFV with a low profile as well as a very big gun.
Building The Tamiya Russian SU122 Tank Destroyer

Firstly the SU-122 is built of the chassis of the T-34 because of that it at least feels familiar when I start the build. As can be seen, there are a few parts that I have needed to fill in but compared to other Tamiya kits, it’s right on par. As a matter of fact, you can check out the whole model in my review video by clicking HERE.

Furthermore there have been a few holes that didn’t line up and needed to be filled in. Basically the majority of the build in now complete. As usual the wheels as well as the tracks are left off for painting.

Painting And Weathering The Tamiya Russian SU122 Tank Destroyer

First of all a coat of green paint, after I fit the wheels and tracks. Secondly A coat of varnish and some decals. Since I’m still doing basic painting and weathering I have only given this model a simple all-over dark brown wash. Instead of several layers of washes as I would normally choose.

In addition to the wash I’m trying Out AK Interactive Weathering Pencils instead of pigments on this build. You can use multiple pencils at the same time to produce the effect that you desire. Here I have blended some greens to give some highlights across the hull and finally some streaking on the sides.

The Completed Tamiya 1/35th Russian SU-122