The Italeri 135th Land Rover 109 LWB is a kit I have been looking to make for a year or so. When It came up on sale I could resist picking it up. It is a really iconic vehicle! I’m not going to use a photo etch set so it should be quite a quick and simple build.

So the parts and quite nicely detailed as you expect from an Italeri kit. You get two sets of transfers to mark it up as a first-aid vehicle or a combat vehicle.

There isn’t a ton of work to do on the underside of the chassis and some of the details are pre-moulded, It seems to be coming together pretty cleanly so far. The driveshaft and exhaust are a little tricky but nothing major.

That’s the Land Rover built. Just to prime and paint all the parts and we can get on with finishing the build.

Now time to paint in all the small details on the body.

The time now for some weathering and piments and we can call this one done. All in all a very enjoyable build and I’m left with a classic model that I’m very happy with. Hope you have enjoyed the build as much as me.