Possibly the most famous tank in current use. This is my build of the Tamiya M1A1 Abrams Tank. Still going strong on the 1/35th scale model tanks, this is a fantastic looking kit that I am just hoping I can do justice to.
Building The Tamiya M1A1 Abrams Tank
You can check out my full inbox review video of the model HERE. As expected the build is pretty simple with things like the suspension and a lot of the Hull details pre-moulded.

As you see the build has been pretty simple and has gone along with no real issues. The most fun and most challenging part is the rear storage cage. A little bit of delicate work to cut and secure the mesh in the bottom of the cage.

That is the build phase complete, as you can see the build has been very quick. So to get the most miles out of the model I will dig deep into the weathering.
Painting The Tamiya M1A1 Abrams Tank

As they say practice makes perfect and as I contiune to build model tanks I get better and better at the wheels.

The model has had a lightened coat of desert yellow all over. Now I have lightened the paint even more with some white and sprayed the centre of the panels to give them a bleached look.

Most of the track on recent project have just been metal colour, so simply dry brushing has been sufficient. These guys how ever are metal with rubber pads. So after a couple of hours of hand painting I have a decent set of scale model tank tracks.

I’m pretty happy with how the painting has gone, I have finished up with painting in all the small details and fitted on the gun and tow ropes. The bleached panels really look good to me, so I just hope the next stage goes as well.
Weathering The Tamiya 1/35th Abrams M1A1

I usually make my own washes with oil paints but as I have quite a lot of OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) models in my stash I decided to invest in these pre-made washes from AK Interactive. One is a general wash and the other is for streaking.

So you can see here where the wash has picked out the details really well, and the streaking effect has given some extra depth to the model tank. The pre made washes are convenient, I’m not entirely sure about the cost vs making your own but they are definitely a good addition to your weathering stash.

Finally, I have painted on some chipping to the Abrams bodywork. The last job I want to do is add a little bit of stowage to the Storage containers. Just to give this model another dimension.

My Completed Tamiya 1/35th Abrams M1A1 Model Tank