This has been quite a busy and fun packed month.
I have had a couple of weeks of work so have been able to finish decorating the living room and hall. There will be some quite meaty posts coming about that.
A little bit on the tech side got myself a new netbook, I will stick a little post up about that as I’m very happy with it so far. Also did some work on my girlfriends desktop pc, basically the thing was so sluggish. So a new SSD hard drive double the ram and a clean install on Ubuntu Linux. You can check out the post HERE.
I reconnected with a few things that I love! The first being wrestling, I usually lose touch with it through the summer. Too many BBQ’s and not enough time. Generally, by Survivor Series I slip back into the fold. I have to say it didn’t disappoint. The elimination matches are not as good as they were in the late 80’s but Daniel Bryant and Charlotte Flair really took my concentration. Even caught a bit of Wargames, Love me some Adam Cole.

One of the other things I reconnected with was making models. Something I have done a lot of my life and something I fall in and out of every now and then. Started making a model car last Christmas and the half-finished Nissan has been sat on my desk all year. So putting that to one side. I picked up a howitzer and cracked on. Happy with how it has gone so far and HERE is a longer post on it. Next, I have dug into a king tiger. I saw this on sale a couple of years ago for only £17 so picked up 2 of them. I tell you what though, I’m really starting to notice some of those smaller parts now thank God for my giant magnifying glass. This one’s an ongoing project and I will stick a couple of pictures up when I have finished. At the moment looking at colour schemes and I am really leaning towards a weathered winter look.

Third Item for the month. Video games, with a busy Summer and decorating every other free second has meant I have neglected the Xbox. Still been downloading games from my live account and just waiting for some free time. So I have that new Tomb Raider game, it came out a year or so ago. I did enjoy the earlier Tomb Raider game and this lived up to all expectations. Loosely followed some of the new films but it was a very immersive experience. Gave me a few nights fun and some great graphics and the open world aspect was pretty cool.

So as well as all that we managed to squeeze in a couple of trips out. First down to London for a close friend’s 40th Birthday. There was about 20 of us and our friend found a gorgeous little Cuban Restaurant right by Waterloo station. Great atmosphere, awesome little building and decor and they put on a great buffet for the event. After that on to Adventure Cocktail Bar in Clapham Junction, now I used to practically live in the Clapham High Street Branch so getting there just in time for Happy Hour, it was time to line up the Long Island Ice Tea’s and party the night away. To finish off a perfect day a Bacon and Cheese Whopper on the way home!
Staying local we went to see the fireworks display put on by the council, good to see your council tax money being spent, as they certainly are not spending it on collecting my rubbish. Onwards toward Christmas and we popped out into town for the switching on of the Christmas lights in the local town center. A decent size crowd and a little Heart FM stage with some local kids singing and dancing. To be honest a nice little community gathering, it’s kind of what I enjoy about being out of London.