The M41 US Tank Walker Bulldog model by Tamiya. This scale model tank is a departure for me. This will be the first piece of Vietnam era Armour that I’m turning my hand to. Quite a cheap little kit but should provide some nice painting and weathering practice.
Continue reading “Tamiya 135th M41 Walker Bulldog Step By Step Full Build”Category: Scale Model Tanks
Leopard 2 MBT 135th Model By Lee Step By Step Full Build
More Model Tanks! I picked this little guy up on eBay. It is a Leopard 2 Scale Model made by Lee. I have never heard of this company before but the model looks good out of the box.
Games Workshop Tanks
Having just finished the King Tiger Tank and having learnt some new techniques. I thought what would be more fun than putting the Scale Model Weathering Techniques into use on some Games Workshop Tanks.
Academy King Tiger Last Production Winter Camo
So a few years ago I picked up a couple of these King Tiger models for an absolute song. So I haven’t taken any pictures of the build as I didn’t know I would be blogging when I started it, but now it’s finished there are a few below. I did enjoy this build. A lot of complex parts, individual tracks which were a new thing for me. To be honest it is a very nice looking tank. I have gone for a distressed winter camo look with this one. The first time I really used an airbrush, I started to learn about the effects of air pressure and paint thinning. Also played around with some weathering. Only had to deal with a couple of pieces of photo-etch, which were grills for the engine. In the end, I went for a winter finish. Here are the results, let me know what you think.
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