Picked up a couple of bits this month just going to run through them quickly.
Two Messerschmitt ME 262 models. As well as a fair bit of German Armour. Pretty happy with how the scale model stash is coming along.

One being the Airfix 1/72 ME 262A version that I want to make a little video on. But more on that later. I do absolutely love this aircraft, a feat of engineering, not to mention a beautiful plane to look at.

So I have also picked up the 1/32nd scale Revell Night Fighter ME 262B Version. Along with that I have picked the Eduard photo-etch aftermarket parts.
I have never built a plane on this scale so this should be interesting to see the kind of detail that I can achieve with this one. I will be doing a fair bit of research for this so think I will tackle it next autumn / winter.
I got the Tamiya 1/35 German Sd.Kfz. 7/1 8 ton Halftrack w/20mm Flakvierling, not sure if it is a rerelease! It just looks so cool, I have always had my eye on it and when it came up for under £20 I leapt at the chance. This one is definitely going on the stash.

Next up I picked up four models on sale.

Hobbyboss 1:35 – GCT 155mm AU-F1 SPH Based on T-72 BUY IT HERE
Hobbyboss 1:35 German Leichter Panzerspahwagen BUY IT HERE
Miniart 1:35 – Jagdpanzer SU-85 ( r ) w/Crew BUY IT HERE
Academy 1:35 – M551 Sheridan Gulf War Re-Release BUY IT HERE
The AU-F1 and M551 Sheridan are going to the stash but I want to smash out the Panzersphwagon once I have finished off the Apache and the Harrier. Hopefully, I can get the Jagpanzer started as a slow burner, again a vehicle that I love.
Apart from the models I also picked up a couple of tools, one being a new airbrush, after the total cluster-fuck with the varnish on the Apache. It is a brand called KKMoon. They also seem to make CCTV cameras, SO! But for under £15 and the fact I only want to keep it for varnishing and priming, I’m not too bothered. I have read a couple of reviews that seem positive, so fingers crossed.

I got this razor saw, I have been watching a few videos on youtube regarding panel lines and a small razor saw seems to be the weapon of choice. I picked up this JLC one over the CMK just because of the wooden handle, I think it will last a little longer.
Talking about panel lines I order some photo etch templates for scribing panels and lines etch. They are coming from China so may have to wait a while to try them out, but they look pretty awesome.
Finally, I got a bottle of AK Interactive acrylic primer, I have been using black spray paint up until now, which has meant spraying outside of the house as it stinks, also it is weather reliant. So I wanted to move across to something that I could use in my airbrush and use in my house. AK hasn’t let me down so far! So their primer seemed the logical choice.

Once everything is made up I will link back to it above.