So I am Rob I am a scale Hobbyist or Model Maker, whichever takes your fancy. I got into the hobby when I was young maybe 8 or nine years old through my Dad. He used to make Historex Military Miniatures, and every now and then something different. I remember him making a fire engine at one point. This is back in the 80’s and when we went to town we would always go to Beatties the hobby shop. I was at first drawn to 1/72nd figures. I didn’t paint them or anything just played with them. Then as I got a little older I was pulled towards the Tamiya 1/35th Scale Military Miniatures. Beatties used to have a huge selection. I gradually got more kits for my birthday and Christmas. Mostly figures and a few small vehicles. I remember the SAS Jeep and the Kettenkraftrad. The offshoot of this was it got me interested in history. My dad had a VHS tape called Blitzkrieg and I must have watched it 100 times. That love for history is still with me. I didn’t get many Model Tanks as they were quite expensive for my parents but I do remember getting the M3 Stuart and the M113 Command APC. I was always into the Military Models though. I got a job on a milk round when I was about 14 and the milkman used to drop me near a toyshop. They just happened to sell Airfix model planes. So every Saturday when I finished the milk round, I would go in and buy a plane and that would be my weekend sorted. When I was around 15 or so my friend introduced me to the Games Workshop. Now I only played Warhammer 40K a couple of time but I loved the mini, and as a Model Maker, I just loved that fantasy world and started collecting and painting both Warhammer and 40k and this is going back to the 90’s before the internet so you had to buy the codex or white dwarf to see how to paint these. Come 16 years of age I found women and wine!!! Fast forward 12 years and I got divorced, I moved back in with my parents and just didn’t know what to do with myself. As being a scale hobbyist at heart I went to Games workshop and picked up an army box of Canadihsjh troops a load of citadel paints and started to be a model maker again. As I love Military Miniatures I also ordered myself a 1/35th scale humvee and 1 1/72 scale hind. For the summer I sat in their shed and just got back in touch with the hobby that I love. Later that year I got back to work and again the hobby was put on hold Fast forward again 4 years and I was in a steady relationship and moved into a flat and was able to once again start on the hobby. Picked up a couple of Military Models including another one of those Tamiya Military Miniatures SAS Jeep and Hannomag. 6 months later we decided we wanted to buy a house so we put everything in storage and moved in with the girlfriend’s mom to save for a deposit. All the time I was buying one model a month to add to the stash, luckily now I have a bit more money so I can buy Model Tanks! Fast forward 2 more and we bought a house with a man cave… See here and I am back as a scale hobbyist. I made a king tiger tank in 1/35th scale with winter camo, you can CLICK HERE to see it. I showed a few people and they were blown away. I was really shocked at how impressed people were so I decided to go all in and start this blog and get on social media. I will always be a Model Maker at heart you hear sniggers some times but there are not many guys out there who don’t enjoy looking at a scale model. So, I hope you enjoy what I am doing here, by no means am I an expert model maker. This site serves as a record of my journey to improve my skills, and I hope that you take the journey with me. I am easy going so leave a comment here or on any of the social media platforms. Links in the sidebar